The 2024 Alumni Report features a Q&A with global citizen John Yi (XV/Collegiate ’98, Yale ’02) MSt, Cambridge ’23, Director of Joint Plans in the United States Air Force. In this interview, he shares valuable insights from his Prep experience, the Prep value that resonates most with him, his definition of success, and his current professional focus
I. What is a key lesson from Prep for Prep that you’ve taken into adulthood?
Prep taught me the importance of fostering meaningful relationships. When I started at Collegiate as a first-generation immigrant kid from Queens, I was exposed to such a diverse and dynamic group of classmates. Prep’s counselors helped me navigate this foreign environment, encouraging me to connect with my classmates based on our shared interests, rather than allowing our differences to become barriers to friendship.
II. Which one of Prep’s core values—Excellence, Integrity, Commitment, Courage—resonates most with you?
Integrity. One can be the best at what they do and demonstrate tremendous courage and commitment, but all this is in vain unless one is guided by strong moral and ethical principles.
III. How do you define success for yourself?
When I was younger, I used to define success through tangible accomplishments: a promotion, public recognition, or some other sign of a competitive “win.” Now, success to me is knowing that I've made a positive impact on someone else's life, e.g. supporting a troubled friend in seeking mental health counseling or inspiring a young enlisted Airman to pursue their college dreams (albeit at Harvard, which as a Yalie pained me a bit).
IV. Are there any upcoming projects or life events you’d like to share with us?
After living and working in Korea the past couple years, my family is relocating to Washington, DC next summer. I've been selected for graduate studies at National Defense University, where I'll get to learn alongside other future national security leaders.