
Undergraduate Support

Undergraduate Affairs supports Prep for Prep students in their college transitions by providing services to foster academic and personal success. Through individual advising, academic workshops, and social programming, we strive to help students identify and utilize campus resources, proactively problem solve, and strengthen their network of Prep peers. 

Undergraduate Activities

List of 3 items.

  • Advisor Meetings

    We check in with undergraduate students every quarter and offer individual advising and support for those on leave of absence.
  • College Visits

    Each spring, Undergraduate Affairs staff accompany Prep high school students on college trips and visit with our current undergrads.
  • On-Campus Socials

    We sponsor Campus Socials for Prep students to reconnect in college. We recently hosted events at Dartmouth, Georgetown, Penn, and Williams.

Meet Our Students

List of 3 items.

  • Elanie

    Elanie plans to major in political science. She is a 2016 Planned Parenthood Global Youth Advocacy Fellow, and also Director of Operations at One Girl, a women's empowerment nonprofit.
  • Paul

    Paul is an electrical engineering major and President of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. A member of the SUNY New Paltz AMP & C-STEP Community Program, Paul tutors students in math and physics. He's also an athlete, playing for the college's Division III soccer team.
  • Kameron

    Kameron is a member of two improv/comedy groups and the Yale Black Men's Union. After graduation, he will join Google as an Associate Product Marketing Manager at its Mountain View campus. 
Undergraduate Affairs services include: 

  • Academic and Personal Advising
  • Back to College Workshop
  • Campus Visits
  • Financial Aid Workshops
  • First-Year College Transition Retreat 
  • Graduation and Holiday Parties
  • Individual Advisor Meetings 
  • Leave of Absence Support Groups
  • On-campus and NYC Socials
  • Student and Parent Newsletters
Our Undergraduate Affairs unit is generously supported by Morgan Stanley. Learn more about opportunities at the company here.

College Enrollment & Graduation

Our community includes 595 students currently enrolled in college and 3,816 college graduates.

  Enrolled Graduated
Allegheny 1 10
American University 2 4
Amherst 10 131
Babson 2 3
Bard 3 13
Barnard 5 35
Bates 9
Boston College 10 51
Boston University 13 30
Bowdoin 10 34
Brandeis 2 10
Brown 11 131
Bryn Mawr 5
Bucknell 2 20
Carnegie Mellon 4 24
Case Western 3 4
Claremont McKenna 3 10
Clark 4
Colby 4
Colgate 2 45
Columbia 13 185
Connecticut College 2 18
Cornell 44 124
CUNY Baruch 2 12
CUNY Brooklyn College 11
CUNY City College 3 22
CUNY Hostos 3 1
CUNY Hunter 5 35
CUNY John Jay 1 6
CUNY Lehman 1 12
CUNY Queens 2 9
Dartmouth 1 75
Davidson 2 27
Dickinson 1 3
Drexel 2 4
Duke 9 72
Emory 14 26
Fordham 4 14
Franklin & Marshall 22
George Washington 1 25
Georgetown 2 71
Gettysburg 6 21
Grinnell 2 2
Guilford 5
Hamilton 2 21
Hampshire 5
Harvard 11 214
Haverford 1 22
Hobart & Wm Smith 14
Hofstra 1 4
Howard 4 17
Ithaca 4 4
Johns Hopkins 3 27
Kenyon 4 27
Lafayette 5 6
Lehigh 9 32
Macalester 2 15
Mercy 4
Middlebury 4 37
MIT 4 30
Morehouse 2 4
Mount Holyoke 2 10

  Enrolled Graduated
Muhlenberg 4 22
New School 4
Northeastern 6 9
Northwestern 13 25
Notre Dame 2 4
NYU 5 88
Oberlin 5 22
Occidental 1 20
Penn 12 207
Pitzer 2 5
Pomona 1 33
Princeton 3 113
Reed 10
Rensselaer 3 2
Rice 2 7
RIT 14 6
Rutgers 4
Sarah Lawrence 10
Scripps 1 3
Seton Hall 1 3
Skidmore 8 14
Smith 3 15
Spelman 1 8
St. John's 6 7
Stanford 6 52
St. Lawrence 1 3
SUNY Albany 8 10
SUNY Binghamton 7 17
SUNY Buffalo 3 6
SUNY Empire State 1 7
SUNY Geneseo 5
SUNY New Paltz 1 4
SUNY Purchase 2 5
SUNY Stony Brook 1 14
Susquehanna 14
Swarthmore 6 21
Syracuse 9 39
Trinity 4 42
Tufts 13 76
Tulane 4 3
UNC Chapel Hill 1 27
Union College 3 10
Univ. of Chicago 5 16
Univ. of Connecticut 3 4
Univ. of Michigan 7 6
Univ. of Phoenix 4
Univ. of Richmond 6 17
Univ. of Rochester 5 15
Univ. of Southern California 7 5
Univ. of Virginia 38
Vanderbilt 16
Vassar 3 33
Villanova 2 7
Washington Univ. 11 32
Wellesley 3 29
Wesleyan 21 225
West Point 1 6
Williams 10 93
Yale 22 205
Other Schools* 59 191

*Fewer than four students enrolled and graduated as of September 2024.
163 West 91st Street
New York, NY 10024
P: 212.579.1470
328 West 71st Street
New York, NY 10023
P: 212.579.1390
We envision a nation guided by ethical and effective leaders that reflect our diverse society. 

Prep for Prep's mission is to develop future leaders by creating access for young people of color to first-rate educational, leadership development and professional opportunities.