Prep for Prep Preparatory Component students and their families had the chance to hear directly from those who have successfully completed the program and gone on to achieve success across a range of industries. Members from our extraordinary Prep for Prep alumni community offered their perspectives as leaders and innovators, in addition to providing advice to young students who will soon enter independent day schools.
Prep for Prep students, brimming with excitement about their future school placement opportunities, also shared their concerns about attending a brand new school. Elanie Paredes (XXXI/VCS ’11, Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School ’15), encouraged the students to develop their study habits during the Preparatory Component to ease the transition into a challenging independent school: “Once you get through the Preparatory Component, not only will you be prepared for private school, but you’re going to be ready for everything that gets thrown your way,” said Elaine. “This is the year to also build your study habits. Think about how you’re going to get that work done. If you develop those study habits now, it’s going to go into every other part of your education and your career.”
When a student asked the panel about the best ways to approach challenging curriculum during the Preparatory Component, Jerry Bright (IX/Collegiate ’93, UNC- Chapel Hill ’97) MBA, NYU ’04 made an insightful comparison to the process of building muscle in the body: “The way muscle is built is, you work it out really hard, it actually breaks down, it gets microtears in it, and then it grows back stronger. And that’s kind of what you’re experiencing right now. It’s hard, it’s breaking you down, but it’s going to make you so much stronger…. When you get to your respective independent schools, you’re going to be at a level where you can compete and you know the information. We’re trying to make sure that both from an academic perspective and social, community, perspective, you know that you belong. That confidence is going to open up the opportunities to make the most of the experience that you’re about to have.”
Internships are a formative step that allows high school students to gain exposure to professional work environments. Ariana Mercado (XXIX/Packer ’13, Dartmouth ’17) JD, Columbia ’22 spoke about the various internships she participated in during high school, and how these experiences ended up shaping her career as a lawyer. “Prep for Prep has great internship programs,” said Ariana. “I did my first internship at Human Rights Watch. I was working out of their International Justice Department. That got me very interested in rights and the law. After that, I think it helped me get an internship at the Doe Fund, which is a place that helps recently incarcerated men of color with their transition into civilian life. Every step of the way that I needed something, [Prep for Prep staff] were actually helping us with those professional networks.”
Sports and extracurricular activities were also highlighted as one of the great benefits of attending an independent school. Ayman Mohammad (XXXI/Collegiate ’15, Harvard ’19) MD, Mt. Sinai ’25 shared his story of joining cross-country during his time at Collegiate. Initially after joining the team, Ayman struggled to match up athletically with his peers. The first day of practice, he was unable to finish the workout and felt embarrassed: “I was like, ‘I can’t do this,’” said Ayman. “Then I thought about it and I was like, ‘It would actually be more embarrassing if I don’t show up tomorrow, because that means I tried it and I gave up.’” Ayman went on to explain how he slowly progressed to being one of the best athletes on the team, and eventually made varsity. “Sometimes you get self cognizant of what makes you different, but over time, you start to realize that the things that make you different are what make you strong. When you’re in a new environment, you just have to be open and put yourself out there.”
We truly appreciate these dedicated Prep for Prep alums for generously sharing their time with our Preparatory Component students and parents:
Nyelle Barley (XXVI/Trinity ’10, Davidson ’14) MBA, Harvard ’21
Jerry Bright (IX/Collegiate ’93, UNC - Chapel Hill ’97) MBA, NYU ’04
Kameron Hutchinson (XXIX/Poly Prep ’13, Yale ’17)
Ariana Mercado (XXIX/Packer ’13, Dartmouth ’17) JD, Columbia ’22
Ayman Mohammad (XXXI/Collegiate ’15, Harvard ’19) MD, Mt. Sinai ’25
Elanie Paredes (XXXI/VCS ’11, Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School ’15, Barnard ’20)
Lucia Perez (XXVI/Nightingale ’10, Wellesley ’14) PhD, Arizona State ’22
Amanda Yang (XXXI/Brearley ’15, Harvard ’20)